TAG: Stay at Home!

Hey guys, I recently found this tag through twitter and blogs that I follow and thought this would be an interesting tag to do considering the pandemic that we are living through. The original tag was created by a booktuber called Princess of Paperback. Here original Video is here. Please enjoy and be safe out there x

1. Laying in bed- a book you read in one day
I probably haven’t read a book in a day for a while now but those Seanan McGuire books are so short that those are easily finished in a day.
2. Snacking – a book that is a ‘guilty pleasure’ read
Any YA Contemporary books by Kasie West. They are such a guilty pleasure but can easily get me out of a reading slump after a heavy fantasy book.
3. Netflix – a series that you want to start
I think when I’m reading a series, I like to binge all of them, exactly like what we do with Netflix. I’m not sure what series I want to binge next but I have recently finished the Gold Seer Trilogy by Rae Carson.
4. Deep clean – a book that has been on your TBR for ages
To be honest, a lot of classics have been on my TBR that I haven’t got round to. Luckily, this lockdown has helped me get through a lot of my TBR.. ooh. Just remembered as well, the Diabolic by S.J Kincaid.
5. Animal Crossing – a book you recently bought because of the hype
I rarely buy for the hype these days but I was going to say Crescent City by Sarah J Maas which is also my current read as of writing this.
6. Productivity – a book you learned from or had an impact on you
Perks of being a wallflower
7. Facetime – a book you were gifted.
I’m rarely gifted books these days. More like, here is a voucher to spend on books but I just found one on my bookshelf which would be Once and Future By Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy.
8. Self-care – what is one thing you have done recently to look after yourself
I’ve been reading and watching TV a lot. I have found that my mental health has been so much better since being in Lockdown. I was always worried about catching it but right now, at least I’m self isolating and locked down so I won’t be able to get it.
BONUS – An upcoming release you are looking forward to
All of my upcoming releases have just come out so they are Aurora Burning by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman and The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins.