TAG: New Years Book Tag 2022

Hey Guys, Hope you have had a great Christmas and New Years. I took some time away from the blog just due to the craziness of the Christmas Season in retail, it basically tired me out so much, that I have been sleeping a lot. So sorry about that. But let's get into it.

1. How many books are you planning to read in 2022?
I set my Goodreads book challenge at 50 books a year regardless but I usually up it to 75 and then to 100. It’s a hit or miss thing for me, I’m not to crazy about reaching said goal.
2. Name 5 books that you didn’t get to this past year but want to make a priority in 2022.
Erm, let me think. I definitely want to read more of Naomi Novik, I fell in love with her writing in 2021 and I’m so happy to start reading more of her stuff.
3. What genre do you want to read more of?
As always, my favourite genre is Sci-Fi Fantasy but I definitely want to read more romance.
4. Name 3 not-related-to-book goals for 2022.
To Find A New Job
Be Healthier
And Enjoy Life
5. What’s a book you have had forever and are determined to read?
I’m a mood reader so honestly I have no idea. Maybe anything Brandon Sanderson. I definitely need to get on that
6. One word that you’re hoping 2022 will be.
